Monday, February 18, 2008

But Seriously....

Think about small talk.
You see somebody you haven't seen in awhile, or somebody you don't really want to talk to.

However, because you know this other person and see them in public you are obligated to talk.
It's just one of those things. Words must be exchanged. Its a social fact.

Usually small talk consists of a variation of the following:
"how are you doing"
"fine thanks. you?"
"oh yeah, just fine. dandy, super."

at this point, both people usually wrap it up and move on. occasionally, someone may expand on one thing or another and the small talk can grow into even a mini-conversation that neither person is really interested in having. And half of the time, neither person means it. Both people can be having completely shitty days, and still grin at each other and say how great their day is. It happens all the time.

Anyway, here's how i feel about small talk. Often times, words escape me. There is a disconnect between my thoughts and my speech. Being forced to come up with typical stock small talk dialogue can be tough to do on the fly. I just can't think that fast, can't put on the fake smile, can't act like everything is just fine and dandy. Its just not worth it. Hell, i may be genuinely having a good day. But if i'm feeling like things are pretty shitty, or I am just not in the mood I usually approach small talk in the following way:
"How's it going?"
"You know, blah blah blah. The usual blah blah blah. Thanks"

I find that this works very well. No one usually has a response or continues the conversation any further.

Saying blah blah blah is the same as any other response you would usually give in this context. Its great. Try it sometime.

New Blog Post!

This is a new blog post. This is a new blog post.
THIS is a NEW blog POST.
This Is A New Blog Post.
thiS iS A neW bloG posT.

blog. blog. blog.
blah. blah. blah.

yadda, yadda, yadda.

insightful insight.

commentary. thoughts on life.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Travel through time

"Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White," by Perez Prado, was the top Billboard single for the year 1955. Sing along--this is what the pre-9/11 world felt like.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


What is a habit?
A habit is something you do everyday. Anything can be a habit. Anything you take time for everyday becomes as natural as walking and talking.

Instead of "Wow, when was the last time I drank tea?"
It's "What kind of tea am I having today?"

Turn your hobbies into habits. Then look back at the end of this semester and see how far you've come.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It is what we all have been waiting for: Romney is an Autobot sent into the future from 1894! Hillary wins NH because of her "human side" and ursine hat fetishes!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Smooth, Like Ice

Todd Rivers and Dean Learner in "One Track Lover."

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Philosopher's Bone

Walls are so comforting. We build physical walls around those we want to protect and those we want to imprison. We construct metaphorical walls around ideologies and theories and call them sacrosanct. But are walls really so comforting? Does enclosing an idea or a people completely insulate it from the tyranny of the majority? Or is it a recognition of weakness in the face of a brutal environment that pushes the threat of death down our throats every day?

Obama and Huckabee have renewed the vitality of their campaigns after Iowa. No matter who wins, will anyone really be able to enact "change" in a system that obsequiously neglects its own futility?